Sunday 14 January 2018

OUGD601 - Research - Post Modernism

Post-modernism was an art and architecture movement from the late 20th century. As a movement it looked to contradict the previous modernist design which was often gridded and strict whilst post modernism looked experimental and was often illegible. 

David Carson
One of the most prominent post modern graphic designers was David Carson who revolutionised the design of magazines in the 1990's whilst working on Raygun, Transword Skateboarding and Beach Culture. This graphic artist only started creative work at the age of 26 however soon started producing controversial editorials that were often a talking point within the industry.This was particularly because of the illegibility of some of the spreads he produced despite the articles often having nothing to do with graphic design.

Beach Culture


Emigre Magazine

This was a magazine about graphic design which was published between 1984 and 2005. The post-modernist layouts were masterminded by the Art Director Rudy VanderLans and used typeface designed by his wife Zuzana Licko. Emigre was one of the first magazines that used a Macintosh to create its layout and so inspired many other graphic designers to move over to desktop publishing.

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