Saturday 20 January 2018

OUGD601 - Feedback 2

My second piece of feedback came from numerous different sources. I first asked for feedback from my tutor Alec who incidentally is featured in my editorial. He first noticed few minor grammatical errors were spotted on the 'About page' which are easily fixed. He then noticed it was difficult to understand whether the text in the centre of each page was the title or the switch. As this is an important part of the website that enables users to switch between experimental and rule abiding design he suggested that the contrasting layout was suggested using type. This was improved by creating a typographical experiment using various different typefaces similar to the Dadaist work I looked at within my research. This helped to understand where each f the links take you. This change is seen below:

I then brought my updated website to some course mates for feedback which was mainly positive. They did however have some contributions to help me improve the usability as well as the design of the site.

The first point this group made was that the start could be more obvious. They suggested giving the user a choice which path they should take at the start as this would be easier to understand rather than jumping into the first editorial. The landing page I made in response to this feedback is below

As this was to work as an educational tool for young designers, the crit group suggested I gave an explanation for each page and what it was inspired by. This was linked by the 'About' button on each page.

The suggestion was also made that I changed Steven Hellers page so it was more eye-catching and so also more fitting for its post modern inspiration. To solve this I took away the border behind the layout. Although this differed from the layout of the other rule breaking designs, it was appropriate for the post modern ideas which often were similarly unpredictable.

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