Saturday 20 January 2018

OUGD601 - Development

I produced sketches of different ideas for each of my pages which has shown me each of the ways my layouts can be progressed. It also meant I wouldn't miss any of the experimental ideas that have been inspired by research, within my final layout.

Steven Heller
Using my visual research and what I have learnt on post modernism I started to plan the traditionally produced Heller layout.

I started my experimentation by creating typographic compositions using printed text that is cut out and stuck down again. This is similar to some of the more recent type experiments seen in my further research.

I then produced similar experiments using the computer. These were then printed out and manipulated using scissors. The scanned in results are below.

Looking at Heller's work I noticed the use of hand drawn type. I experimented with different lettering within a sketchbook taking inspiration from one of his poster designs.

The next stage in the design process will be scanning all my experiments in and looking at how they could work as a composition.

David Carson
Dadaism was the main inspiration for this composition however the squashed type is similar to some post modern work I looked at within my research.

I produced some typographical designs using illustrator, showing how this work can be easily produced today.

After experimenting with this style, I believe that keeping the is best to stay true to both post modernist design, of which Carson was part of and Dadaism.

Alec and John
These pages were to be produced similar to digital work today that opposes modernist ideas. On this page form is more important than function. The layout will be completely experimental and produced digitally. The text must be largly readable.

I jumped straight onto InDesign to experiment with this layout. Using a very simple grid system I started placing text and image in different places. As I develop this layout I will split it off into separate looking spreads to give me a choice when progressing. The grid will also start to become more complex as I add different experimental aspects.

Other Pages
These pages would be based on many modern editorials disregard for rules. The pages will include type experiments created digitally and will vary is design.



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