Saturday 20 January 2018

OUGD601 - Final and Evaluation

The aim at the start of this brief was to produce a practical response to the essay question: To what extent have the technological advancements seen within editorial design impacted the creativity of designers. To help combat this a specific target audience was identified from the arguments within the essay. The informative website was a successful way to engage my young designer target audience. When trialled on design students they described it as being informative, interesting and easy to use. This was positive as these were some of the aims set out at the beginning of the brief. The only suggestion given by the target audience was to have some sort of interactivity. This may have brought more life to each page as one could have changed into the other. Despite this, the work produced successfully did what the brief asked, helping teach inexperienced designers about the different editorial styles.

The website that was created as a final outcome portrayed the results from a series of interviews conducted as primary research for the essay. These responses are shown in two different ways. The first is modernist, rule abiding and based on a simple grid system whilst the other is more rule breaking and ambiguous. Each layout has been greatly informed by research on modernist, post modernist and dadaist design. Rule breaking design styles that are popular today were also researched in great depth which in turn helped to inspire the final layout.

Overall this project has been successful. The work produced has been well informed by the essay and research alongside it. Although still having editorial qualities, being portrayed through a website means the outcome is easily distributed. This is also appropriate for the identified target audience as young designers are more likely to visit a website than pick up a book. 

My final website can be visited using this link. However, a video can also be seen below.

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