Thursday 18 January 2018

OUGD601 - Feedback 1

The first time I was able to receive feedback for the practical part of my brief was a critique between me and three other students on my course. Here I discussed my initial ideas on top of being able to talk through my essay.

From this critique I have made some important decisions in deciding the progression of my project. One thing I decided was that I would use the interview responses I received as this would be the best way communicate the different parts within the essay.

When asked which specific idea they thought worked best, those taking part in my crit preferred idea 5: the online editorial as it best showed how different design movements had contradicted modernist design. It also helped that the answers I received were from a high standard of professionals. This in turn has given me the opportunity to look further into the designers that were included and looking at how they could influence the design of my final piece.

Despite the crit groups preferred idea, I believe it is essential that I do some sketches so I have a better visual understanding of what I could produce.

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