Wednesday 17 January 2018

OUGD601 - First Sketches

Although my first critique had helped me narrow down which idea I would use for my practical work, I decided it would be essential to sketch out the best ideas to help me decide the most appropriate. This also gave me the opportunity to go explore my ideas in more detail.

Looking at my ideas in sketch form helped to better visualise each one. From seeing them like this, I feel like the online editorial idea works best. Not only did the previous critique prefer this but there is also more of an opportunity for me to incorporate interactivity.The user should able to switch between the strict and experimental layouts at a click of a button. This will also appeal the younger target audience I previously identified as it could be portrayed across different platforms.

This website's content will show the reader the opinions of creative professionals on whether technological advancements have effected creativity within editorial design. It will look at the modernist rules that have been consistently used and adapted throughout the last 100 years. This will then be compared with the different design movements that contradict modernist principles. This includes the Dadaists from the early 20th Century, post modernism in the late 20th century and designs today which ignore any sort of grid or abide by any principles.

The rule breaking pages must be informed by the different design movements and use the appropriate tools when being produced. This means the adobe suite won't always be used and I must create some layouts by hand.

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