Friday 19 January 2018

OUGD601 - Deciding Content

After the previous critique, I had decided that the final outcome would be an informative website where users can learn about the various different types f editorial layout. There will be two sections to the editorial. The first will document my interview responses in a strict modernist style. My previous research on Jan Tschichold and modernist design will be useful here.

The second part of my editorial will be far more experimental and will reference the different rule breaking design movements throughout history. The website will also include references to how the modernist rules are broken today.

I created a site map to give me a better idea about each page I would be making.

I wanted each designers page to reflect their own style of work. It must also link well to another appropriate design movement.

Steven Heller
Heller is predominantly a design writer however, of what work I have, type in often hand drawn and placed randomly on the page. Further, more in depth research will be done next.

This page will be designed in an illegible postmodern fashion. Although I have identified that this is similar to much of Carson's work, I want it to be differentiated by Heller's hand drawn style.

I feel this experimental layout should be produced using mostly traditional methods. This will be similar to how post modern work was previously created. It has been inspired by talking to the retired graphic designers who discussed the processes they went through to complete the practice before 1980.

David Carson
Although Carson revolutionised Post Modernism, his quote was short so felt this page was better suited to take inspiration from Dadaism as well as a more modern graphic style. Despite this, I think researching Carson's work further could help to inspire the layout.

Alec and John
As these designers are my tutors and less well known than the other interviewees, I felt this page worked best to portray the modern graphic styles which break modernist rules. The aim for this page will be create a visually pleasing composition that disobeys everything Tschichold advises.

Unlike the other pages, a grid system could be used effectively to set out type and image however this could be complex and set type out in experimental ways.

Other Pages
I decided that my pages that didn't contain interviews would focus on the experimentation of type and whether legibility and rule breaking within modern graphic design is still acceptable. Although similar to the Alec and John page, it will disobey even a grid system similar to how many publications do today. 

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