Friday 19 January 2018

OUGD601 - Further Research

As this project has progressed as far as deciding how each page of my website will be created, it is important that I concentrate my research to help inform my work. There were various areas I looked into to help me.

I looked for websites with postmodern characteristics as felt they may help inspire the rule breaking part to my editorial website.

I found some interesting type foundry websites which didn't conform to any rules. Type is animated across the screen and imagery is placed inconsistently. This works well and fills the whole screen adding to its intensity.

The designers republic online archive is interactive, using noise and animations when the mouse is hovered over links. Type is placed close together making it sometimes difficult to click the right link.

Evolution prints displaces an image across its home page. The large type is abstract and eyecatching.

Individual page research

David Carson
As the quote here was short, I decided that I would take inspiration from different design movements. The first being post-modernism, of which I could look at much of Carson's own work. Aspects of Dadaism will also inspire the layout.

Steven Heller
I have decided to do this page in an illegible postmodern fashion. Although I have identified that this is similar to much of Carson's work, I will take Heller's own style into account when designing the layout.

Raygun magazine can also be used to help inform the design.

Alec and John
This spread looks at modern design how good work doesn't have to base itself off the modernist ideals. Here I will be looking to disobey as many rules as I can whilst still producing a visually pleasing piece of design.

Other Pages
I decided that my pages that didn't contain interviews would focus on the experimentation of type and whether legibility and rule breaking within modern graphic design is still acceptable. Although similar to the Alec and John page, it will disobey even a grid system similar to how many publications do today. Because of this, I looked for experimental type pieces.

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