Thursday 27 April 2017

OUGD501 - Studio Brief 02 - Production

My sketches gave me a good idea of how my app may look however I found these hard to reference when starting to mock up some ideas on Illustrator. Because of this, I decided to recreate my final wire frames digitally. This made transferring designs from illustrator to the XD program process easy and quicker. These wire frames are seen below.

Before bringing my work onto Adobe XD for the main production of the work, I decided to mock up some important parts of the app. One I looked at extensively was the location screen as I had to make sure all the information I wanted to give could be accessed at any one time. I also felt it was important the photo gallery was well displayed.

I transferred my wire frames and mock ups onto Adobe XD. This gave me the opportunity to explore the app myself before it was tested later in the process. Using XD also sped the process of building an app up.

If this was to become a commercial product, My next stage in development would be to find a developer to help create the app. It would then go through several stages of testing before it’s released.

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