Thursday 27 April 2017

OUGD501 - Studio Brief 02 - Development

After creating a site map in my initial ideas and bringing it to a peer critique, I decided this idea was most appropriate for progression. My next stage in further development is to mock up a number of wireframes. My focus will be on user experience and making sure my app is easy and enjoyable to use for my audience. I must also look to my research on Cereal and user interactivity to help inspire my work.

I first created a number of wire frames by sketching in my notebook. These were a good start to this process and showed me a number of different ways my layout could be designed.

My sketches gave me a good idea of how my app may look however I found these hard to reference when starting to mock up some ideas on Illustrator. Because of this, I decided to recreate my final wire frames digitally. This made transferring designs from illustrator to the XD program process easy and quicker. These wire frames are seen below.

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