Thursday 27 April 2017

OUGD501 - Studio Brief 02 - Distribution

As this product would be available through the app store, distribution is different to physical magazines. Because of this, one thing that must be considered within post production is that the app is known to the target audience. This can be done by advertising in appropriate places and appropriate ways.

One place this app could be advertised is within the magazine itself. My previous research on Cereal Magazine gave me a good idea of what this ad would look like so I started creating one to go alongside my finished app. This was then mocked up within a magazine to show how it would look.

I started looking at different places an ad could be placed. I created some more, similar designs and mocked these up.

My final video could also work well as an advertisement in a number of different formats. This could be used before youtube videos and other places online where video advertisements are used.

With such a large following on social media, in particular on Instagram, I found this would be a good way to advertise the travel guide app to the appropriate audience.

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