Thursday 7 January 2016

OUGD401 - Study Task 4

Gauntlett uses a rather informal tone-of-voice as often sounds like he is speaking to the reader; however he is clearly passionate about his view on sexism within advertising as often remarks on how things are advertised in the 21st century and how they often sound like they were created fifty years ago. This is one of the key points raised by Gauntlett throughout the piece of writing; for example, he uses a slogan used by Iceland that states: 'that’s why mum’s go to Iceland' portraying women as the ones that shop and do any domestic activities. This can be backed by how he states that 'women are twice as likely as men to be in commercials for domestic products, and men were twice as likely as women to appear in ads for non-domestic products'. These stereotypical jobs are still shown on tv advertising to be done by their desired sex. In the modern day this should not be happening and is made clear by Gauntlett. He also adds that despite these sexist adverts becoming less common, the industry often tries to take advantage of the publics new view where women in todays are usually seen as strong and independent which completely contrasts previous use of females within advertising. Although generally being a good thing he adds that ad agencies often use this for their own gain. They sell something as a product for todays idealised, strong women with the intention that it will be bought due to their feminist advertisements.